Brazilian plants for trade

Fernando Rivadavia Lopes (
Sun, 27 Aug 1995 19:07:32 -0500 (CDT)

To all,

During my trips to Minas Gerais and Bahia states in July I was
able to collect more seeds of native CPs which I now have available for
trade. Among these are D.montana, D.graminifolia, D.communis, D.hirtella,
U.simulans, U.flaccida, U.blanchetti "white lower lip", G.filiformis,
G.aurea, and even G.uncinata (the largest Genlisea of all, now being
brought into cultivation for the first time).
For those of you who didn't see my post to the listserv about 2
months ago, a friend of mine here in Sao Paulo is now organizing my CP
trade, since he has the time and I have the contacts. If any of you are
interested in native Brazilian CPs, please write to him at:

Fabio Pinheiro
Rua Brasileiro de Campos 108
Jardim Marina
Sao Paulo, S.P.

Please send him a list of plants you would be interested in and
also an updated version of your CP lists. At the moment we're completing
an inventory of our CPs for our updated CP list. Thus we should soon have
this available to send out, but we can send out a list of seeds we do
have available at the moment. For those of you interested, we can also
offer native Brazilian species of bromeliads and orchids in trade for
At the moment we are interested in acquiring Mexican Pinguicula,
Venezuelan Drosera, orchid-flowered Utrics, African Drosera, rare SPECIES
of Nepenthes, Heliamphora, seeds of FVT "red leaf" (or other varieties)
large quantities of seeds of Sarracenia SPECIES, Aldrovanda, and
A few of our rare seeds (like G.uncinata) will only be offered in
trade for rare Neps, or for a good quantity of U.humboldtii or Aldrovanda.
I've received these last 2 in the past through the mail, but always small
bits which arrive dead or almost dead, and never last very long. I imagine
that larger stolons or a larger number of stolons would help fix these 2
species in our collections here in Brazil. We are especially interested
in Aldrovanda from warm climates, since the ones from temperate climates
which need a dormancy period would probably not adapt too well here.

Fernando Rivadavia
Sao Paulo, Brazil