> I'm actually writing this letter on behalf of a friend of mine who
> does not have access to the Internet, but whom some of you may know.
> His name is Eric Green and he has quite an extensive collection of
> carnivorous plants, including an impressive collection of South
> African sundews. He is interested in selling or trading plants/seeds
> with other collectors from around the world. I not quite sure of
> were his interests lie, but he collects all CP species.
> So, if you are interested in writing to him I will be more that
> happy to give you his address.
> PS Eric says HI to Fernando Rivadavia ("Where are the plants that you
> owe me")
Is that why he disappeared?!?! Why didn't he write me and tell me
this? I wasn't aware we left off somewhere in the middle of our trade.
For anyone who doesn't know, Eric has a FANTASTIC CP collection and I
was very frustrated when he all of a sudden disappeared! I'm not sure if
he still does, but he's the one who used to supply all those fantastic
S.African Drosera + Roridula seeds to Allen Lowrie, who would then sell
them all around. I got various mature S.African Drosera from him, but
unfortunately only one D.pauciflora is still alive. I'm still frustrated
at never having seen D.cistiflora or D.pauciflora in flower, which are
supposedly fantastic!
In fact, Eric isn't the only one to have been seemingly kidnapped
by aliens in South Africa. Do you know a Blair S.Couper who lives in the
Natal Province (I think the city was Pietermarizburg)? He also stopped
writing to me around 3 or 4 years ago. In fact I can think of another
one, a guy called J.J.Nel from Cape Town. He wrote me once around 4 years
ago, then he only wrote me another letter around 2 years later, and I
haven't heard from him since! What's the matter with you S.Africans? I
can never seem to correspond with any of you for over a year!
Anyways, please tell Eric to write to me since I've got a bunch
of new interesting Brazilian CPs to offer him and sorry for the
misunderstanding. Better yet, ask him first if he still has my address.
I have his, unless it's changed.
Fernando Rivadavia
Sao Paulo, Brasil
P.S. Is he still avidly CP hunting in the S.African countryside, covering
gigantic areas with his motorcycle?