A few days ago, I signed on to this group. I'm growing carnivorous plants=
for several years, but just on a small scale: no greenhouse or other
special facilities. All I have is a south-oriented bay window where I put=
them in terracotta or plastic scales and fish bowls. A new method I'm
experimenting with is a little greenhouse with artificial light in a
cellar. I've been told that this is the best way to keep species as
Heliamphora, since they can't survive if the temperature gets higher
surpasses 25 =B0C. (I'm experimenting now with H. nutans, and it seems to=
thrive well under this conditions.)
During the summer, the Belgian climate makes it possible to bring my
Sarracenia's outdoors. The only problem with that are blackbirds digging
out the sphagnum in the scales. This year I lost three of my Sarracenia
species (alata, psittocina, rubra) by an infection of a fungus. Anyway,
that's what I think it was. Symptons were: in the spring, the young leave=
came out but stopped growing after a few days. Then they withered (althou=
there was plenty of water) and died. When I digged out the rhizomes, most=
of them turned out to be rotten. If anyone could give a tip of how to
prevent my other plants from going the same way, I would appreciate that.=
I'm a member of the Belgian CP Society 'Drosera'. I think there are about=
50 members. Activities of this society are a.o.: publishing a
periodical = on CP's (two times a year) and a newsletter (also two times
a year); organizing exchange reunions (indeed, also two times a year)
and (once a year) an exhibition or an excursion to an exhibition in
another European country. Members of the group also take care of the CP
collection in the Botanical Garden of the University of Ghent. I hope
this listserv-group gives me information I can pass to the other members
of my society.
I'm mostly interested in descriptions of natural habitats of CP's in othe=
countries, since these give the best insight in the growing conditions of=
species. And of course, I hope to learn from the experiences of all other=
Rik Palmans, Voeren (Belgium)