my name is fabio d'alessi, I just subscribed to the cp mailing
list, and would like now to introduce myself to the net cp
I'm 26, and I am a student at the University of Padua (northeast
of Italy), attending at the last year of my doctor degree in
"Nature Sciences" which is a Biologic specialization.
About cp, I've always been very interested in these strange plants,
but the lack of a cp culture in italy does not allow you to find
easily these beauties. Even worse, the major part of the greenhouses
here don't even sell (or know about) a single cp specie, while just
a few sell the well known Dionaea, but nothing else.
It was during a trip in California, a few years ago, that I went
in touch with California Carnivores, a greenhouse located in
Forestville. There I met a nicest person, Marilee Maertz, who
gave me a few species to start with, together with a growing guide
and a quantity of good hints. Once back in italy, I started to
actively look for other people growing cp, without success, but
thanks to the help of a couple of Botany Professors at our Biology
dept., I went in touch with a researcher at the Botanical Garden
of Padua, who was keeping some cp species, and I immediately
joined him.
Now, what we are trying to do at the Botanical Garden is to setup
and maintain a big cp area inside the Garden greenhouses, growing
the highest number of species and varieties of cp we can collect
from every geographical area of the world.
We already have a certain number of species, and Raffaele (who is
the cp researcher at the Botanical Garden) is successfully growing
and propagating all of them. We are now looking for other cp growers,
to exchange both knowledge and material such as live plants, seeds,
stems, stem cells etc., so I think that subscribing this mailing list
and joining the net cp society is one of the best things to do.
Since the Botanical Garden of Padua itself has not (still) an internet
access, I will act as the internet liaison for the cp section of the
Botanical Garden. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate
to e-mail me. I will reply as soon as possible. If you have specific
questions for Raffaele, I will report them to him and will reply
after meeting him.
I will now include a list of the species which are currently being
kept and propagated at the cp section of the Botanical Garden of
Byblis liniflora Salisb.
Dionaea muscipula Ellis, ex Linn.
Drosera adelae F. Muell.
Drosera aliciae Hamet.
Drosera auriculata Backh. ex Planch.
Drosera binata Labill.
Drosera burkeana Planch.
Drosera burmanni Vahl,
Drosera capensis Linn.
Drosera capillaris Poir.
Drosera collinsiae N.E. Brown apud Davy
Drosera communis St. Hil.
Drosera dielsiana Exell & Laundon
Drosera intermedia Hayne,
Drosera kaieteurensis Brumm.-Ding.
Drosera Lovellae F. M. Bailey,
Drosera montana St. Hil.
Drosera natalensis Diels
Drosera pulchella Lehm.
Drosera pygmaea DC.
Drosera rotundifolia Linn.
Drosera spathulata Labill.
Drosera venusta P. Debbert
Drosera capensis L. var. "narrow leaves" Hort.
Drosera capillaris Poirr. "Gulf. Coast. Giant."
Nepenthes gracilis Korth.
Nepenthes X mixta Veitch.
Sarracenia alata Wood.
Sarracenia X Courtii Hort.
Sarracenia flava L.
Sarracenia leucophylla Raffin.
Sarracenia minor Walt.
Sarracenia psittacina Michx.
Sarracenia purpurea L.
Sarracenia rubra Walt.
Cephalotus follicularis Labill.
Pinguicula alpina L.
Pinguicula caudata Schlecht.
Pinguicula esseriana B.Kirchner
Pinguicula leptoceras Rechb.
Pinguicula vulgaris L.
A few other species are being kept at the Garden, but their names
don't appear on the list as they still haven't been propagated in
reasonable quantity (or not propagated at all).
Seeds are usually available for all of the Drosera and Sarracenia
species. Nepenthes is being propagated by the usual stem-cutting
If you are interested in exchanging or donating plants or seeds to
the Botanical Garden, you are welcome, as we strongly need new species
and varieties. Just contact me by e-mail.
If you have spare seeds, of any species or varieties, please consider
the option of a donation to the Botanical Garden. A kind action that
will cost you nothing will be highly appreciated by the community of
the Botanical Garden and will be useful for many students, visitors
and plant enthusiasts like you.
If you plan to visit the Botanical Garden (which, by the way, is a
wonderful Botanical Garden, one of the older in Europe, founded in
1545), you are welcome too, just send a message to me telling when
you are planning to visit, and we'll arrange a meeting.
Please keep in mind that the cp are kept in the display greenhouses
from Spring to Autumn, so the Winter is not a suggestable time to
Well, enough for now. Again, if you have anything to ask me, e-mail
me at
-- fabio d'alessi Patavina Universitas Dept.
of Biology & Natural Sciences