> Does anybody know how I can contact Mr.Kasuhito Kondo, the author
>of the CP book, D.falconeri, D.dilatato-petiolaris, D.lanata, plus of
>various Drosera chromosome numbers?
Kondos' address is
Katsuhiko Kondo, PhD
Faculty of Science, Laboratory of Plant Chromosomes and Gene Stock
Hiroshima University
1-3-1 Kagamiyama, Hiyashi-Hiroshima City, 724 Japan
Hope this helps
Dr. Juerg Steiger, Institut fuer Aus-, Weiter- und Fortbildung IAWF
University of Bern, Inselspital 37a, CH-3010 Bern, Switzerland
Office: +41 (0)31 632 98 87, Home: +41 (0)31 972 19 79
Fax: +41 (0)31 632 98 71, E-mail: steiger@iae.unibe.ch
Web: http://www.iawf.unibe.ch/index.htp