CP sites in Seattle?

Davin Stewart/BSG (Davin_Stewart/BSG.BSG@notes.bsginc.com)
20 Nov 95 15:46:03 EDT

Ok. I'm going to be visiting some friends out in Seattle this weekend
and since this is the first time I'll be visiting the west coast for the
first time in my LIFE, I was hoping that someone could advise me about
any must see cp sites out there.

I would be very excited about seeing some Darlingtonia in the wild and
the only thing I intend on taking are photos. However, I know that
those sites where the Cobra Lily are still present are cherished and
protected by those who know about them.

I would also love to check out any interesting collections and/or shops worth

Does anyone know if the U. of Washington's greenhouse is worth checking out?

Just wondering,