Liane Cochran-Stafira
>Hi Liane,
>>Can anyone suggest a good source for a detailed distribution map of natural
>>(or at least well established) populations of _S. purpurea_ west of the
>>Mississippi in the Great Plains region? The maps I have aren't all that
>>clear on this issue.
>Try to check out MCDANIEL (Bull.Tall Timbers Res. Stat. 9:27, 1971).
>Although he writes "W to Iowa", his map shows some localities further W in
>Minnesota (near Red Lake and ca. 50 km E Moorhead).
>WHERRY (Bartonia 15:6, 1933) mentions two localities even further W from
>Canada (Alberta: Edmonton; Saskatchewan: Prince Albert) but there seems to
>be no specimen of these records. From Minnesota he mentions Pope and Winona
>as localities.
>Apparently, the species does not (spontaneously) cross the Red River to the
>W in the USA. The westernmost records from Canada are rather dubious.
>Kind regards