Re: maps

Liane Cochran-Stafira (
Mon, 11 Dec 1995 11:10:58 -0600 (CST)

Jan - Thanks very much for the references. I am in the process of putting
together a research grant proposal to continue working on the symbiosis
between the plants and certain microorganisms and invertebrates that live
inside the pitchers. The plant distribution data is vital for comparing
the distribution pattern of the pitcher symbionts with that of the plants
especially at the extreme ends of the plant's range. This will help in the
evaluation of whether these associations are really true examples of
mutualism (as has been assumed in the past). If this is the case, I can
then begin to look at the coevolution of the plants and their mutualists.

Liane Cochran-Stafira

>Hi Liane,
>>Can anyone suggest a good source for a detailed distribution map of natural
>>(or at least well established) populations of _S. purpurea_ west of the
>>Mississippi in the Great Plains region? The maps I have aren't all that
>>clear on this issue.
>Try to check out MCDANIEL (Bull.Tall Timbers Res. Stat. 9:27, 1971).
>Although he writes "W to Iowa", his map shows some localities further W in
>Minnesota (near Red Lake and ca. 50 km E Moorhead).
>WHERRY (Bartonia 15:6, 1933) mentions two localities even further W from
>Canada (Alberta: Edmonton; Saskatchewan: Prince Albert) but there seems to
>be no specimen of these records. From Minnesota he mentions Pope and Winona
>as localities.
>Apparently, the species does not (spontaneously) cross the Red River to the
>W in the USA. The westernmost records from Canada are rather dubious.
>Kind regards