P. Weser

Gordon Wells (wells@ic.upc.es)
Fri, 5 Jan 1996 11:36:51 UTC+0100

Hi Jan,

> The CPDB may not be invincible but it definitely includes
> what you are looking for:

> N: [Pinguicula * ' Weser ' {Hort.Slack}]
> P: Insect-Eat.Pl. & How To Grow Them:113 (1986)
> S: =[[Pinguicula moranensis {H.B.K.}] * [Pinguicula ehlersiae {Speta &
> Fuchs}]] B: WEINER

Thanks. My mistake was forgetting to push the "show all matching
entries" button when I searched the database. I can't seem to
ever remember this...


Gordon Wells
Instituto de Cibernetica
Diagonal 647, planta 2
Barcelona 08028