
Roger Sieloff ISDH (
Sun, 14 Jan 1996 11:17:56 -0600 (EST)

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"Hoosier your favorite State?"

Hello to those of you lost in Cyberspace. My name is Roger L. Sieloff. I'm
a horticulturalist with a little of everything, a hydroponic garden growing
out of the modified power filters in my aquarium setup, a potted vegetable
garden I reserruct every May, a forest in Putnam county I'm filling with
American Ginseng, a keen interest in the taxonomic status of
the genus ESCOBARIA, a yearning to grow the carnivorous Austraian plant
that consumes rabbits and a growing collection of Sempervivum species.

What I'm really after are a couple interesting web pages pertaining to your
particular list. No - this is not SPAM! Well, not really... I just joined
your group and this message was mailed by me and not some robot. I'm compiling
a bunch of stuff for an upcomming presentation for a gardening club about
the Internet. Think of my subscription as a trial membership - I'll be here
at least until the end of February. We may find we have something to talk

Hope to hear from all of you,

Roger L. Sieloff