
Craig S gardner (
Tue, 16 Jan 1996 22:55:16 -0800

Hello my name is Craig Gardner

I am a computer tech and grow CP as a hobbie. I got my first plants
20 years ago. They were Venus Fly traps, and not knowing how to properly
care for them they died. Over the years I tried again and agian with the
same results. Then 2 year's ago I met Peter at California Carnivores I
bought 2 plants that day, and have been doing well ever since. I now grow
about 32 different species including hybrids. I have a 9'x 9' greenhouse
that I am now adding 11 more feet in lenght.

I have read that a lot of people seem to be interested in tissue
culture, I spoke to the people at Carolina Biological Supply Co.
800-334-5551 they have two tissue culture learnig kits a Drosera
Capensis kit at $24 and a Venus Flytrap kit at $54 they were very
helpful. I hope this information will be of use to someone

Happy Growing