Reptilian CP

Demetrio Lamzaki (
Thu, 25 Jan 96 02:09:13 UT

R>Hi everyone,
R>Does anyone know of some sort of harmless substance
R>to spray on plants to keep cats from chewing on them?

Not exactly a spray, I have another method of keeping cats away, it's my
Boxer. He loves to sun himself next to the Sarracenia, and they're as
grateful as I am for his watchdog duties. Cats wouldn't dare approach! :-O

AS>I bought three common specimans: Sarracenia Purpurea, Vft, and a
AS>sundew which the nursery (Gubler) labeled Drosera Rotundifolia but the
AS>actual plant has elongated leaves not the round pads. Anybody want to
AS>hazard a guess as to which speciman it is?

Most likely the ubiquitous Drosera capensis. Describe its leaf
dimensions and tentacle placement Alan, that'll help us nail it down.

Well, everyone, I too have joined the ranks of CP/reptile owners, I just
received a turtle as a belated Christmas/very early birthday present.
Haven't had one since before I ever had CP, what an out of the blue
surprise he was. Now all I need is a tarantula to perfectly fit the
profile! :-)

