re:droseras, droplets
Thu, 25 Jan 96 11:05:55 -30000

In response to Lee's question on droseras droplets, try increasing their
exposure to light. I keep my droseras exposed to (at least) 16 hours of
light per day with outstanding results. The dorseras that are in a
state of dormancy receive only natural light of approx 10 hours of light
per day, but the other droseras that are subtropical/tropical, will
benefit from extended exposure to both artificial and sun light. You
will find that the longer your plants are exposed to light, the bigger
the droplets will be. If all else fails, take a mister full of
rainwater and mist them. It doesn't hurt the the plant, in fact, it
actually benefiters them and you will have instant BIG droplets.

Charles in Virginia