Re: P. gypsicola

Peter Cole (
Thu, 25 Jan 1996 23:17:44 GMT writes:

> A question for the Pinguiculaphiles;
> I have a P. gypsicola which I acquired about 6 months ago as a resting
> bud, which is still a resting bud. The rest of my mexican Pings have
> begun to grow and some have flowered. Does P. gypsicola just have a
> long dormant period or am I obviously doing something wrong?
> Any suggestions would be helpful

IME it is the photoperiod rather than the temperature that controls
the dormancy - under lights it stays active above 10 hrs, and forms
a resting bud at less than this, even at 'indoor' temperatures. So
I should think that it is your latitude that will govern how long a
dormancy it will go for in natural light. Skipping the dormancy
doesn't seem to do any harm.

Hope this helps,
