Heliamphora seeds

Isao Takai (takaicp@sh0.po.iijnet.or.jp)
Mon, 29 Jan 1996 20:44:38 +0900

Dear In-vitro workers, Dear All,

to All,
About the distribution of Heliamphora seeds
Some members may have felt "that I.Takai is exclusive".
My purpose is the following.
I saw interesting plants in CPN app.10 years ago. However, I have
never seen a lot of plants in them actually yet.
I think that there is some cause in it. The growing of the plant is
difficult for the nature. Likewise, it is difficult to multiply.
I think. Its solution is In-vitro work.
It is the reason why I had priority over In-vitro workers.

In-vitro workers does In-vitro work as a hobby or study(It is due to my
interpretation.). Therefore, they (including me) doesn't always have
enough equipments. However, we fall into cp deeply. We multiply
Heliamphoras for cp-growers in each country. We will make up mutual
failure. A few In-vitro workers will export offsprings to your country.

If I sow Heliamphoras seeds on the sphagnum, the spread of the
Heliamphoras will be delay in for equal to or more than 10 years.

My ideal:
is not:cp-growers competes in the obtaining of rare plants.
is:cp-growers competes in the growing technique.

If some members understand my act, I am glad.

to In-vitro workers & a few members (who gave me a information),

Thank you very much for approving of my proposition.
I sent the seed to you (who chose one from H.sp from Yuruani and H.sp
from Akopan1) on Fri,26 Jan..
I sent the seed to you (who chose one from H.sp Akopan2, H.sp Chimanta,
and U.humboldtii Akopan) on Mon,29 Jan.
If you don't receive it within 10 days, inform me. Because, 10 days
later, I sow my share (In-vitro).

Kind regards from Japan

Dear Shing Lam,
You sent the information which is good for me.
However, my e-mail seems not to reach you.
If you are there, please tell me your snail mail address.

I hope for my poor English skill not to produce further misunderstanding.