Utric Traps

Thu, 8 Feb 1996 08:59:00 -0500


Richard and anyone else interested.

The largest traps in the genus are found on U.humboldtii (in
cultivation) and U.arnhemica (probably not in cultivation?)

It is possible to see the traps even on terrestrial species
if you are prepared to dig them up. Certainly they are
obvious enough on the aquatic species, and on some of the
affixed aquatic/amphibious Aussies like U.volubilis,
U.violacea and U.inaequalis. Some terrestrials such as
U.dichotoma will produce traps on top of the compost if
grown under wet enough conditions - though this species is
also rather amphibious.

With terrestrial species I suppose it may be possible to
grow them above a clear reservoir of water - just like that
photo of G.hispidula on the front cover of one of last years
CPN's. This way it may be possible to encourage the plant to
grow into the water as thus be able to view the traps. Has
anyone out there tried this?

What ever you decide to look at, a reasonable hand lens (or
a microscope if you have access to one) will allow you to
appreciate the traps even better.

Kind regards
