Re: Pyrethrum safe to use on CP
Nexus User elliott (
Wed, 14 Feb 1996 18:06:20 +1030
>pyrethrum as being a "natural" insecticide - so far I've only sprayed
>it on one pitcher (with a nice family of green splodges ("kids") &
>aphids). Have people tried pyrethrum? Is it safe on drosera and
I have had problems with pyrethrum in the past on some cp's,
although I still use it sometimes. If you spray Sarracenia when
they are sending up flowers, I have found that the pyrethrum
will make them open prematurely, and with brown streaks down
the petals. I have also found it can affect the plants vigour
at the begging of a season if sprayed then. It is fairly safe
to use when the Sarras are mature, and later into the season.
It is quite effective at killing virtually all insect pests,
and often after spraying I walk in to see caterpillars writhing
about in my pots!
Anyway, it is fairly safe to use on Drosera, but like all
sprays on this plant, the mucilage tends to disappear for a time.
Hope this helps,
Russell Elliott