Thanks for the responses I've gotten so far. They've all been a
big help for a newbie. This message is regarding obtaining a permit for
importing CP into Canada. First of all, do you need one if material is
being brought in from North America (ie: from the United States to
Canada) and if so, does anyone have the address in Canada I can write to
so that I can obtain this permit?
I know some CPs are not protected under CITES regulations but I did
notice that several of the popular ones are under Appendix II.
Personally, I feel this reflects the poor way in which we so often treat
our environment such that, what I thought were relatively abundant plants
have to now be protected. Such is the human race. Anyways, I don't want
to burden everyone with a feeling of guilt, I just wanted to know what I
can do to get a permit.
On a final note, how do companies, such as Peter Paul's nurseries
export CP's to countries like Canada without asking if you have a permit
to import them? Maybe I'm just confused about the whole thing. In the
summer we had to get permits to sample algae and zooplankton in the lake
and that took over six months! Thanks in advance.
Chris Teichreb
Department of Biology
University of Regina
Regina, Saskatchewan, CANADA
e-mail: teichrch@Meena.CC.URegina.CA