Re: Benomyl, liquid or powder
Fri, 8 Mar 1996 10:22:08 -0500

In CP Digest 645
Chris Teichreb asks:

> I finally managed to get some Benomyl. It came in a
>powder form and gives instructions on how to mix with water.
>However, I've noticed that some people say they 'dust' their
>CP's with it and was wondering if I need to mix it with water
>or if the moisture of the CP soil is good enough.

FWIW, I use it both ways. Several times throughout my temperate plants
dormancies, I water with a solution of Benomyl (1 tablespoon per gallon). I
also use it when watering plants after transplantation, or just when I'm
worried <g>.

I also use the powder directly to dust cut rhizomes or root ends when
transplanting. I also dust my sarracenia rhizomes liberally with it
throughout the dormancy period, if I start to notice the beginnings of fungal

BTW, I use a shop mask when I do this, to avoid breathing in the stuff, which
is supposedly carcinogenic (then again, what isn't these days)

Jay Lechtman