Propagate and Disseminate
Fri, 8 Mar 1996 10:30:07 -0500

Agree completely with Jeffrey Welch (CP digest 645) on the new "battle cry"
of the CP enthusiast.

I've wanted to cry after paying (yes, I admit it) US $7.00 for a Drosera
Capensis "red" only to find it growing as a weed in some pot of CP I got in
trade. Before I discovered the web, and fellow hobbyists, I won't tell you
how many CP I (duck) threw out, because I didn't have the room, nor anyone to
pass them along to.

Now I know better (and I apologize to all of those hapless D. aliciae, D.
capensis, and P. x sethos).

I'm planning never to buy another plant again (if I can help it) from an
"officially" commercial concern, but rather to propagate and trade, or buy
from other semi-amateur growers, or those professionals who clearly don't

I am not against the occasional and judicious collection from the wild, for
many (if not all) of the reasons so comprehensively and breathlessly debated
over the last several weeks. However, my preference is to meet
fellow-growers, and trade, and talk, and learn from each other.

So, Jeff ... I promise NEVER to throw away another plant again (without first
offering it to the assembled masses ....)

I got more than dozen offers of a "good home" for my N. Andrewsii (and will
shortly pick one). Now, know of anybody that needs 1,000 or so D. capensis
seedlings? How 'bout some nice U. subulata?

Jay Lechtman