> Ok, ok ... now I know why I'm the only idiot <g> who offers to give
> away plants online .... people want them, and in relatively large
> numbers.
> Which brings me to my point. Why isn't this more common? Can we
> (have you all) set up an easy, reliable exhange/donation protocol?
> (e.g. I offer a list of plants. Interested potential recipients send
> me a note with instructions for shipping, etc.) Do I send these
> things postage due? Do I ask for a check to cover postage in advance?
> Do I send the stuff anyway and hope somebody sends me a check (in U.S.
> funds) to cover postage?)
See the Web CP trading post (assuming you can get the Web). Start at
the CP home page and follow the link. I think there is also a
growlist avilable from the listserver where people can post what
they have in a specific format.
I don't know how well used this is (and as I said elsewhere, too many
people seem to have too many Drosera capensis on offer).
Certainly it's a worry that too many people might respond to an
offer. I suppose you can say "first <n> people to respond".
I can't really offer any help on how to get payment. I don't
know how 'postage due' works - is it generally available? -
is it a rip off? Asking for a cheque in U.S. funds rather
rules out anyone in other countries, or causes them to incur
huge bank charges. Credit card is best of all, but probably
not an option for a private individual.
-- Clarke Brunt (clarke@brunt.demon.co.uk)