Re: "rootless" Cephalotus
Fri, 15 Mar 1996 17:11:55 -0500

Nick Plummer writes (in CP Digest 653):

>The plant is not "bare root." It's rootless. What I have is a >rosette of
pitchers with a stub of rhizome at the center and >not a root in sight. I
suppose that the rosette is an offshoot >that was detached from a larger
plant. Does Cepahlotus
>normally have much in the way of roots? Will my >Cephalotus regenerate a
root system without too much >trouble? I've potted it in damp shagnum moss
and placed it in >a plastic bag. I plan keep it under fluorescent lights for
a >few weeks before I expose it to any direct sunlight.

I had a very similar situation recently, where I received a rootless C.
follicularis rosette (with perhaps an 8th of an inch of central root
attached). I was doubtful of its success (the pitchers had all wilted flat
even by the time I could pot it up). I planted it in a 60/40 peat/sand
mixture, removed some lower pitchers to make sure that the root stub was in
good contact with the media (mounded up the center of the media in the pot,
so the pitchers could hang down and not lever the rosette out of the media).
Placed it in my high-humidity aquarium set-up (close to 100 percent
humidity). The pitchers didn't die, but returned to turgidity, and it has
since (in the last month) put out two small non-carnivorous leaves and is
working in its first new trap since transplant. I keep it in half-inch of

Hope this helps.

Jay Lechtman