Rain, Mail, Cp Convention
Carlstrom_Rick (Carlstrom_Rick%P-AME-HQ.CCBRIDGE.SEAA.mrouter@seaa.navsea.navy.mil)
20 Mar 96 11:57:00 EST
I will be moving into a new house in April. I currently collect rain
water by putting a wading pool out when it rains. When I move I would
like to simply redirect a rain gutter into one or more plastic trash
cans. Does anyone know if standard asphalt roofing shingles modify
the pH of the rain or add disolved minerals?
PS I hope this message gets through. The last couple I sent never
showed up on the list and did not get bounced back to me
PS2 Does anyone plan to attend the Eastern CP convention at Botanique
Nursery in Virginia (USA)? I probably will since its only about 100
miles away.