Re: Re: warning (sic!)

dave evans (T442119@RUTADMIN.RUTGERS.EDU)
Fri, 22 Mar 96 20:29 EST

> From: "Michael Hasemann" <jmh@ELE.VTT.FI>
> > Dear lovers of explicit language,
> >
> >
> > >> Here a bit of warning to the lovers of the exotic: in any case do
> > >> not (repeat NOT) keep anythig like _amorphophallus_ in your
> > >> nepenthes greenhouse.
> Why not?

They stink like rotting fish, I beleive.

> > >Say Barry, what would the translation on this latin name be?
> >
> > Think twice, Barry, before you answer this question. It may mean up to 5
> > years in prison to do so on the internet in the US!
> Why?

I'm not sure Michael, but it probably has something to do with this
country's (USA) general belief children can't handle being exposed
to anything pertaining to sex and not become rapists and sexaul
deviants. The "phallus" part means the penis or a representation
of the penis. It's the rest of name I don't get. Anyway who the heck
named this plant? I mean did their's look like an amorphophall-
us? Or were they exposed too much sex as a kid and started seeing
phalli everywhere they looked? Jeez, I wonder if they worked on CP's,
Nepenthes *is* female and so is Sarracenia (I think). Makes you

Oh, that law has to do with sexual images released on to the web in
a way so that children will be able to get them but first get a
warning not to continue unless they are over 18 years old. Duh.

Dave Evans