Who was it on this list that mentioned growing ultrics in clear
containers? Do they have daphnia (or other similarly behaved
crustacians) in with them? Have they tried introducing them?
Sean Mallory smallory@ouray.cudenver.edu
Denver, CO, USA http://ouray.cudenver.edu/~smallory/
-- You cannot walk on water, you can only run. -- A basilisk instinct.
Reply to:
From: lcochran@midway.uchicago.edu (Liane Cochran-Stafira)
While I can see the benefit of having utrics in a breeding tank to
provide cover for the fry, the Daphnia part sounds strange. I was always
under the impression that Daphnia are a favorite menu item for these
plants. On the other hand there are some symbiotic rotifers that make
their homes inside the traps of some species - hmmm. I wonder if the
aquarium reference has the species reversed.