Re: Drosera on ICPS newsletter

Peter Cole (
Fri, 12 Apr 1996 17:43:48 GMT

dave evans writes:
> > D.capillaris perhaps?
> I don't think so, as it is growing *upright*, so that could indicate
> D.intermedia but it doesn't look like that one either!
> Doesn't D.romaimae grow along with Heliamphora? That one is a stem
> forming plant, I think. Jan?

Hmm - the leaf at the top right certainly appears to be somewhat
erect, but the bottom edge of the rosette looks like recumbent
spathulate leaves to me, and I can't actually see a stem - the green/
red splodge under this leaf *might* be, but looks to me more like old,
dying leaves. It could be more erect obovate leaves (eg: intermedia,)
viewed to some extent end on, but the petioles would be extremely
long. I would also expect the opposite leaves at the bottom left of
the rosette to be angled more if this was the case.

I've always imagined D.roraimae as being shorter-petioled than this,
but now I think about it, I can't recall ever actually seeing one.
My own attempts to germinate the species have met with zero success
to date.

Does anyone (Jan?) know what Drosera are to be found at an altitude
of 2400m on Auyan tepui? That would narrow the field a bit.

Happy growing,


snail:Peter Cole,17 Wimmerfield Cr.
vox:+44 1792 205214 :