Re: Spring at last

Liane Cochran-Stafira (
Mon, 15 Apr 1996 13:11:39 -0500 (CDT)

Lucky you - it's snowing and raining here today, and we won't hit much more
than 50ish all week (still 20's and 30's at night). My early spring
flowers all have sweaters on, and the robins are running around with very
confused looks on their faces. ;-)

Liane Cochran-Stafira

>OK, this is it, the sun is out, I have taken the insulation from the
>put the shades on, got most of the young lowland nepenthes out of the
>and inside the greenhouse. I am sitting in the garden with a glass of French
>wine, Grace Slick booming from the speakers....
>question: Grace who ?????????
>answer: may the Barbarians dip your favoured Carnivorous masterpiece in
>Island Dressing and market the result as "Atilla's Salad"!!
>Life is beautiful.