>Allen is a businessman, albeit a CP fanatic too but still a >businessman. I
guess he'd be approachable ... but it might be >best to offer our friend
something in exchange. A CD Rom has >room to advertise his CP "shop". Maybe
he could be offered a >slot?
>I realise this "advertising" may be anathema to some people >but I just
thought it might help gain the quickest possible >agreement to a mssive
source of quality photos.
I wouldn't necessarily consider this "advertising" in the classic sense (and
I think the CP CD-ROM is a fantastic idea ... as long as I can read it on my
Power Mac). A section on commercial resources could list any and all growers
willing to trade info or pay a small amount to help develop the product. As a
likely purchaser of the CD, I'd consider that section a reference more than
nasty ol' advertising.
My US$.02-worth
Jay Lechtman