Re: Aberrant Drosera Leaves

Brett Lymn (
Thu, 25 Apr 1996 18:12:03 +0930 (CST)

According to Mike Tarnowski:
>Several of my D. capensis have put out extremely unusual leaves this spring.
>I believe that the cause of this may have been exposing them to a killing
>frost last fall. Only the roots survived. The leaf shapes have varied. Some
>are heart shaped. Some appear to be 4 or 5 leaves joined together at the
>edges with vey thick petioles. The more recent leaves are normal. There have
>been no unusual conditions or insect predators observed.

They are normally referred to as crestate forms. It seems that
D. Capensis does throw quite a few crestate leaves even if it is not

>I cut off several of these oddball leaves and set them up as cuttings. I am
>curious to see if these changes are passed on to the cloned plants. Has
>anyone else tried this and if so what were their results?

You should get a whole plant with the same leaves. Note that the
characteristics will not be carried in the seed so the only way of
propagating the weird variant is vegetatively.

-- Brett Lymn, Computer Systems Administrator, AWA Defence Industries
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