> Following on the thread about d. capensis, Clarke wrote that it
> doesn't have a dormancy. Does D. binata? I have two plants that
> are divisions of a multifida. One plant has no new stalks and the
> existing ones are withering away. There are plenty of healthy roots
> in the pot. No sign of bugs of any sort. Nearby I have a number of
> 2 pointed d. binatas all of which are healthy. Do some varieties of
> d. binata go dormant and others not?
I just have noticed that my _Drosera binata_ has come up from dormancy, from
roots. I have also one smaller _D. binata_ which have had no dormancy and is
growing well. So I assume that the smaller ones doesn't necessary need
dormancy. right? For _Drosera capensis_ I have noticed that it can go to
dormancy suddenly, and come up from roots after couple of months. That
just happened to my plants. They were in room temperature in moist peat and
after 2 months now there is new growth. The older leaves went totally
brown and died.
Hope this is for some help,
good growing,
Pekka Ala-Siuru
Senior Analyst, Embedded Knowledge-Based Systems
VTT Electronics, P.O.Box 1100, FIN-90571, Oulu,Finland
Tel. +358 81 551 2461, Telefax +358 81 551 2320