Re: Re: S. Flava Burgundy problems?

dave evans (T442119@RUTADMIN.RUTGERS.EDU)
Tue, 30 Apr 96 16:06 EDT

> From: ritter@FLOYD.HQ.ILEAF.COM(Janice Ritter x1585)
> On the S. Flava red coloring - I got a few very small plants
> that started out green, then under lots of flourescent light
> all winter, turned VERY deep red. Now they look like they've stopped
> growing - my husband says they're getting too much light and
> can't grow because of a lack of chlorophyll.

Yes, it does, but that might not be the case. How long, months,
were these plants growing like this? S.flava will stop growing
pitchers in late summer/early fall because it gets dry this time
of year. They start growing earlier to make up for the lost time
in the fall. Sounds like they are ready for winter. Reduce the
light intensity and the hours/day also keep them cool. You
could get a double year like this => put them to sleep for a
month and bring them back out, they will think it's spring
again. By the time late fall get's here, they will ready for
dormancy again.

DAve Evans