Ants on my Plants
Thu, 9 May 1996 06:52:45 PDT

Over the past two days, ants have suddenly invaded my greenhouse.
Feeding on the sticky sap on the rim, lid and front rib of Sarracenia *
Mooreana, S. * Catesbaei and S. Leucophylia. I watched them for over
half an hour last night, and not a single one fell into the traps much
to my disgust. Some even descended an inch into the traps but managed
to slowly climb out again.
There are also a few feeding on the sap on the rims of my larger VFTs too.
I can easily prevent them getting to my plants, by moving the plants
away from the edge of my trays. But if the ants will provide a meal for
my plants with no ill effects I would rather have them queing up to be
Do they cause any damage by to the plants by eating the sap ?
