>>People have commented before about dealing with aphids on Drosera; as
>>I recall one suggestion was to emerse in water for a few days. Some
>>of my US pings are infested right now. Any suggestions about
>>treatment? Has anyone dunked their pings the same way?
>My technique is to avoid the infestation by monthly burning of anti
>aphid candles (they're cone shaped fireworks that put out a poisonous
>smoke - light the blue touch paper and run like hell. Available from
>all sadistic plant stores.). But if you still get an infestation, I
>find a household insect spray can is best. I spray direct from the
>aerosol can but not close up. I let a very fine mist drop onto the
>plants for about a second or very little more. The aphids all die and
>if you get it right, the plant doesn't quite die (but it usually looks
>as if it is thinking about it).
I was wondering if anyone has tried placing sundews or pings in a sealed
aquarium along with a solid form insecticide such as a Shell No Pest
Strip. I know these are deadly for pet birds or tropical fish, and one
shouldn't use these pest strips in the same room as one's pets, perhaps
this would kill off aphids or thrips or other little nasties? John
Phillips Email: phillips@library.ucsf.edu Information Services UCSF
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