A trip to Kinabalu Park

Joseph Yeo (syyeo@singnet.com.sg)
Wed, 15 May 96 16:49:45 PDT

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Recently, I was in Sabah, East Malaysian . I climbed the summit of Mt.
Kinabalu as well as \r visited several natural habitats of nepenthes.
It was an interesting trip as I saw what I wanted to see despite the
fact I have to suffer a couple \r days of aching legs. The plants that
I saw in their habitats are fusca, tentaculata, lowii, \r edwardsiana,
villosa, kinabaluensis, rajah, burbidgeae and last but not least the
handsome natural \r hybrid of rajah X burbidgeae. Some of the plants
can be seen as you climb the summit trail but you need to deviate from
the \r normal trail or could be found outside the summit trail. I would
strongly urge fellow CP enthusiasts to pay the Park a visit, if it is
possible, to see these \r beautiful and amazing plants in their
habitats. I have attached (MS word) an account of the of the trip.
Please click the file kk.trip.doc to see \r the full details of the
trip. Regards, Joseph.