cooling systems

Fritz E. Berckmueller (
Sat, 18 May 1996 12:35:50 -0400 (EDT)

Dear all,
Along the lines of the air conditioner recycling, has anyone devised
a system for cooling terraria or smaller growing containers. I had
thought of using one of those humidifiers, running the vapor through some sort
of metal tubing, probably aluminum, like an old-fashioned still. Maybe
such a sytem might suck some of the heat out the
environment and metal tubing. Maybe that would be enough to cool the
terraria, etc. Maybe not. The humidifier at least would serve to add
humidity to the air which is essential for the highland Nepenthes and
Heliamphoras which would be most appreciative of the cooler
temperatures. Just a thought of mine. Any other ideas or practical
experiences to relate.