Re: Forthcoming books by Peter D'amato

Philip F. Wight (
Sun, 19 May 1996 20:09:03 -0700 (PDT)

Peter announced yesterday at the meeting of the BACPS that he has
accepted "an offer too good to refuse" to write a series of books on
carnivarous plants for (I think) Ten Square Press (I may have the name of
the publisher wrong: sorry.) The first book will be more generally on
all CP and I guess subsequent volumes will specialize. This sounds like
Peter is going to attempt THE definitive work on CP - my congratulations
to him. He is certainly capable of tackling such a project and I eagerly
await the first book.

In case you just emerged from ten years in a coal mine, Peter is the
proprietor of California Carnivores, a very highly respected purveyor of
CP, located just north of San Francisco. I have bought a lot of plants
from Peter and they are among the largest and healthiest CP in my collection.
