Re: Fast growing plants for show

Nexus User elliott (
Tue, 28 May 1996 20:31:13 +0930

>leaves...). If I sow some capensis seed now in large quantities
> and keep it growing through winter (all of mine usually die down)
> will it reach flowering size by next August? Also, can I sow seeds
> now of D. binata varieties (I know it may result in 'inferior clones',
>they're probably going to die after the show anyway...) or do I have
>to take leaf cuttings? Also, can anyone suggest any other plants
>which can be raised from seed or even


Im fairly sure you could get D.capensis to a good selling size by next
season. Keep them warm, and they should grow like crazy. You could
plant seed of D.binata, but its another story if they germinate or not!
Since I live in South Australia, most of mine are dormant, even the
ones that just germinated from seed.

Bye For Now,

Russell Elliott -