Mark Lysne e-mail address?
Tue, 28 May 1996 14:42:19 -0400

(apologies for posting this to the group):

I met Mark Lysne (sp?) at the recent Green Spring Garden Park Plant Day
(Northern Virginia, US) where he was selling a decent selection of CPs
(terrestrial utrics, Mexican pings, a few droseras and even B. reducta!)
However, as is my fate in life, I've (temporarily I hope) misplaced phone
number .... He mentioned that he's on the list, so ...

Mark, if you see this personally, can you drop me your e-mail address @

If anyone else sees this and has that info, can they either do the same, or
if they prefer, pass this request on to him privately?

Thanks to all in advance (and that B. reducta was a steal IMHO)

Jay Lechtman