Re: New to mailing list, wants new challenge

Wayne Forrester (forrestr@mendel.Berkeley.EDU)
Mon, 3 Jun 1996 16:36:30 -0700 (PDT)

On Mon, 3 Jun 1996, Doug Kern wrote:

> Anyway, I was wondering if anybody could help me. Is Cephalotus
> hard to keep? How about any of the Heliamphora or other Sararacenia? Are
> there any small reletively easy to keep Nepenthes (yes I know mthe
> probalility of such a plant existing is rare)? Or maybe one of the types of
> Drosera, D. filiformis, D. cristiflora, and D. binata all look interesting.
> Well bye all!
> Doug Kern
Hi Doug,
Sounds like you have a pretty nice collection of CP already. I
think it's a little hard to answer your question because how hard a plant
is to grow depends on what your conditions are. I think Cephalotus isn't
too hard to grow. As for Nepenthes, there are several that are fairly easy to
grow. N. gracilis and N. alata are pretty easy to grow. There
are others which also are not too difficult depending on what temperature
range you're growing plants at. Most of the Sarracenia species are pretty
easy to grow. I'm sure others will share their opinions with you, and can
tell you more about some of the plants you're interested in than I can.
Hope this helps.
Wayne Forrester