Re: D.binata T Form

Nexus User elliott (
Fri, 14 Jun 1996 18:32:35 +0930

>I want to argue with the more dogmatically-minded among us who have said
>emphatically "If it grows more than two points at any time, it ain't t-form,"
>but ... I've had a t-form for two years now, and each spring, just as it
>emerges from winter dormancy, it sends up on truncated petioles, three- and
>sometimes four pointed-leaves. Once the later spring crop of leaves grows, as
>flower stalks begin to form, it reverts, invariably, and for the rest of the
>season, to two-pointed leaves only.
>In my mind, that's T-form, with some odd variability (the same kind of
>variability that's known in many CP genera.)
>Anyone? Anyone? (can't be as much fun as the CP mapping project controversy,
>or the CITES posting, but what the hell ....)


This also often happens with my D.binata T form. There can be some
variability, but the third and fourth "prongs" only seem to be very

Bye For Now,

Russell Elliott