Re: Nepenthes Leaf Coloring

John Walker (
Wed, 26 Jun 1996 09:59:02 -0700

You wrote:
>I have been growing a very young N. Ventricosa outside for about a
month now. When I got it (from California Carnivores), it was pure
>green, except for some tan on the small, very immature pitchers.
>Recently, the leaves have been getting more & more red (not brown). Is
>this normal? Or do I have a light/humidity problem ... or what?
>Any advice would be appreciated ... I am a rank amateur when it comes
>to Nepenthes!
I am certainly no expert, but I have several Nep's indoors growing
under lights and all have various shades of red in them. My
N. madagascariensis has all green leaves but the traps turn a wonderful
maroon color, darkest at the base and lightening to pale green at the
top of the trap. N. mirabillis (sp?) has nice pink streaks all along
the leaves. If your lighting and humidity are bad, the plant may
respond by not wanting to pitchure.

In this case perhaps "better red than dead" is appropriate :^)

John Walker