Sarracenia sp. propagation via seed

harry haecker (
Thu, 27 Jun 96 12:00:49 cst


I am a Horticulturist working with a researcher who is studying Mississippi
pitcher plant bogs for the National Biological Service. Since she is now
just starting her project, she knows even less than I do about Sarracenia
propagation by seed-- and I don't know much! :-) Although I had helped
grow ~1200 from seed when I worked at the Univ. of GA Botany Dept, I wanted
to find out ALL of the latest recommendations on culture from this list and
from the books that I shall obtain.

1. Growing area:
We have a fine glass greenhouse with adiabatic cooling (doesn't help much
with a rel. humidity >80% and daily temps in the mid-90's!!), unit heaters,
powerful Acme fans, and moveable benches. However, "the powers that be"
don't want liquid shade used ("Too messy!"), and I know that although they
like full to mostly full sun, the searing direct heat from Louisiana
summers will fry them...right? Which is more important: max sun and too
much heat, or ideal temp (~85 F.) and less light? What is the best

2. Seed collection:
I did find the list's e-mail archives, and looking through 1995 I saw a
thread on collecting Sar. seeds, so I'm OK on that. The first capsule she
collected may have been a bit green, but it did dehisce upon lightly
squeezing it; and, although the seeds were green, they came off the
recpticle (?) with only a little persuasion. I hope they're viable, but if
not, she's going out to the field soon to collect more.

3. Seed treatment:
In that same archive I saw a thread on stratification, but what are the
parameters? Media, sowing method, watering in, temp, length of time?

4. Germination and pre-transplant period:
How long until my babies come up? How big should they be when I
transplant? Do I *lightly* fertilize with Peters during this time? If so,
what formulation and how much per gallon?

5. Favored potting media and general culture:
At the risk of asking something which is probably in the archive somewhere,
could someone just point me in the right direction? I did look at the FAQ
before writing this letter, but it was not specific enough for Sarracenia.

Thanks you very much for any info you can impart to me. Your help will
help me help Mississippi's pitcher plant bogs!

Harry Haecker, BioTech Horticulturist
Southern Science Center
Lafayette, LA 70506