It goes to (shows me too) show that we all have a lot to learn
about these guys! I think the reason I was believing that most
Neps only grow one flower per plants is that I've only seen
"small" speciums so far.
> I also have a multi-crown N. maxima that blooms regularly in early
> spring. It is one spike per crown, one at a time. Similar observations
> are noted for the N. x Ile de France and N.x splendiana.
Hmm... so far I haven't seen more than one vine on N.* splendiana.
It grows one about two feet high and then as a new one start to
come up, the prior vine goes into decline and dies. The sucessive
vines keep on getting bigger though. Do all Neps besides N.gracilis
turn into monsters? I think it's about time Hollywood makes a movie!
A script based on 'A Slow Day In The Greenhouse' would be a great
place to start. no ;), I'm serious. The General Public would really
start to dig CP's!
BTW, why is N.* splendiana labelled as mon.nud on Jan's list?
If it has no description can one be supplied now or later or must
it be at time of publishment? This is one of the best growing
and awesome looking Nepenthes I've ever seen! Since it's a horti-
cultral hybrid there would be no need of a type, right?
Dave Evans