
charles (
Mon, 15 Jul 1996 15:29:43 -0400 (edt)

1. the beer / snail trap is good, it need not have little flat things on the snails will gladly drown themselves in the dish...what can i
say, they just crave the taste! i generally use a soup or cereal bowl
to hold the beer and just bury it rim deep in my garden

2. just flashed on this....but wouldnt the water from a self defrosting
refrigerator be just about perfect for cp's esp in a would be
like your own personal acid rain.

3. i wonder if a drop of lemon juice in tap water would acidify it
enough for the plants

4. all the rain we have been having in nyc has at least given me an idea
for a plastic bag collector for rain me for
details....quick , disposable, just about zero cost...etc