Re: Re[2]: UK Post Strikes/D Villosa Cuttings/Chiggers/Spanish M
Wed, 24 Jul 1996 21:52:56 -0400
What .. no water bumps from chigggers ? I'm one of those lucky souls esp
sensitve to their bite apparently. if they settle in on my legs i end up with
blisters dime size or larger and up 1/4 inch tall. after a few days they
start to ooze. bites off they legs don't react as severely but "itching hell"
doesn't even begin to describe the feeling . try taking a hot bath or shower
with these things yoww.I pick the little buggers up on a regular basis on
collecting trips in southern Arizona during the monsoon season.
if you've never had them you don't know what you're missing
Gordon C. Snelling