Re: Help please

Chris Teichreb (teichrch@Meena.CC.URegina.CA)
Tue, 30 Jul 1996 15:05:08 -0600 (CST)

Hi Peter,

> Hello all
> My name is Peter and i need help, i have tried to grow V.F.Ts on a =
> kitchen windowsill, for the last 4yrs but the same thing happens every =
> year, firstly i by the plant, bring it home and all go's well the plants =
> even seem to perk up after a while they have all developed flowers which =
> eventually die and not long after so does the plant, the same thing has =
> started again this year both the plant's have been fine but one has now =
> flowered do i leave the flower stork on or remove it? there growing =

Flowering in VFT's usually weakens the plant. If the plant is
already weak, flowering may kill it. As soon as you see the flower stalk
being formed, chop it off. VFT's usually don't set seed so it's not a
big loss.

> conditions are well lit window, sun most of the day, and are standing in =
> about 3/4inch of water both plants catch plenty of bugs please help with =
> any advice as i am getting disheartened with it all, also could any one =
> please tell me of a good idiots guide to growing V.F.Ts i thank you in =
> anticipation

Other possible problems. Are you using distilled water or
something similar (rainwater)? If not, this will kill the plant.

Are you fertilizing the plants? If so, don't, this will kill
the plant.

What kind of substrate are you using? Most people use either
a 1:1 peat:sand mixture or pure sphagnum moss. There are other
combinations, these just seem to be the most popular. If you're
using something like african violet soil mixture, you'll kill the
plant as this is unsuitable (has fertilizers, wrong pH).

How big of a pot are you using? VFT's need a large pot
for root run, about five inches in diameter minimum.

A good book is Adrian Slack's 'Insect Eating Plants and
How to Grow Them'. Also, there are several FAQ's on the web that
can give you pointers. A good starting point is

Good luck!
