Can you help me contact ...

Paul Temple 02-Aug-1996 1108 (
Fri, 2 Aug 96 12:09:59 MET DST

+---------------------------+ TM From: Paul Temple
| | | | | | | | Dept: Digital
| d | i | g | i | t | a | l | Func: Net Comms
| | | | | | | | DTN: 7781-1582
+---------------------------+ Easynet: fangio::temple_p

Sorry to all those not living in Germany but ...

Is there someone out there who's a member of the German carnivorous
plant society or at least who knows the german enthusiasts (ideally
someone who lives in Germany so they know many of the CP'ers there)?

This really is more important than it looks - I need help in trying to locate
someone, perhaps you would be able to tell me if they're a member of the

I'll provide details if anyone volunteers to help. (no more details
publicly as I don't want to initiate thousands of mails to the person!)
All I will need is a simple "yes I know the person you are looking for"
or "never heard of him". Then I just need help in contacting him. So
no-one need fear committing to hours of work!!!

Please please please can someone offer to help?

