_Roridula_ update

Fri, 9 Aug 1996 10:03:52

Dear Kevin,

> > The situation is very similar in _Roridula_ but here the opposite is
> > claimed, based on the single observation by F.E.Lloyd that the secretion
> > of this plant is resinous and not mucilaginous
> Herr Doktor
> I hate to contradict you I'm most always wrong, butt.....
> I went over what Lloyd said in his book "The Carnivorous Plants"

l.c. (1942):5, Lloyd said literally:
I myself included it (i.e. _Roridula_) among the carnivores in an
account published in 1933. Since that time, on receiving material
preserved in formalin from Munich, it was at once apparent that the
secretion which appears as glistening droplets in the living plant,
was intact and still adherent to the glands, and could therefore not
be a mucilage. (...) Examination showed (...) that they exude a
resinous secretion. There are no other glands, so that on this
evidence (sic!) the carnivorous habit seems to be quite excluded.

Lloyd (1942) does not cite the paper by A.N.Bruce (in Not. Roy. Bot.
Gard. Edinb. 17:83-98, 1907) in which digestion of albumin by
_Roridula_ was described.

> It looks to me like someone from Germany (How old are you?)

Not old enough, I'm afraid.

> tiped him off to the earlier work by Marloth after Lloyd published
> something about CP in 1933.

Someone from Germany (Munich; apparently from the group of Goebel,
who was Lloyd's former boss) has even sent material to Lloyd (v.s.).

> Lloyd to my eyes, is only reaffirming in 1934 what Marloth was
> saying between 1903 and 1912.

Not only. Lloyd (1942) mentions also own observations (v.s.). Any
further comments, anyone?

Kind regards