Re: Nepenthes Khasiana Soil

Clarke Brunt (
Mon, 12 Aug 1996 21:21:00 +0100

On 10 Aug 96 at 10:03, Will Estes wrote:

> I purchased a Nepenthes Khasiana that is in orchid bark. It is not
> thriving, and I want to get it into the right soil. Can someone
> recommend a good soil that is easy to mix?
> Also, can someone recommend a book that will describe care of
> Nepenthes in general, and Khasiana in specific?

I'm no Nepenthes expert, but orchid bark sounds OK - I know that will
be pretty unhelpful since you say the plant isn't thriving. I have an
N. alata plus some cuttings of other species that I managed to root -
I just use bark chips (sold as a top-dressing for the garden) with a
bit of peat/sand/grit/Perlite thrown in.

For books, I have relied on Slack's "Insect Eating Plants and how to
grow them" - out of print unfortunately - plus of course the advice
from this list.

Clarke Brunt (