> I have just collected the seeds from my vft's and plan to sow them
> shortly to guarantee maximum germination and because I can not
> store them properly. Since I live in New York and winter will be
> setting in shortly after the seeds germinate do I let the seedlings
> go dormant or do I just let them continue to grow?
If I sow Dionaea seed towards the end of the season, I just keep the
pot at maybe 45-50F mininum (7-10C) - they stay green, maybe grow
slowly, and often more germinate when it warms up in the Spring.
There's no particular reason I do this - those are just the
temperatures in the greenhouse for the adult plants too. I *do*
prefer to sow seed fresh though - even if it is too cool for
germination, I think the seed is better in the soil than in a packet.
-- Clarke Brunt (clarke@brunt.demon.co.uk)