The first two-year term of the ICPS officers is expiring. We will be
holding an election for new officers. There is a possibility that some
of the current officers may decide to re-run, but our secretary/treasurer
Kevin Snively has definitely decided to retire from office.
I wanted to get this info out as widely as possible, so that everyone
internationally will have a chance to submit nominations. The attached
blurb will also be published in the September CPN. Please distribute
it to anyone you think might be interested.
Best regards,
-- Rick Walker (current ICPS president)------------------------------- Call for ICPS Nominations
The ICPS is requesting nominations for President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. The current terms will expire at the end of the calendar year. Under the bylaws, the current officers will have the option of running for second terms.
Each ICPS affiliate group is encouraged to suggest one or more candidates. Candidates should be contacted prior to nomination, and a 1-2 paragraph platform statement by the candidate should be included for publication with the ballot.
Election Timeline:
September 1 call for nominations is advertised in CPN
October 15 nominations and candidate statements must be postmarked by this date and arrive at ICPS by October 21 for inclusion in the ballot
November 1 ballots mailed to current members
December 1 ballots must be postmarked by this date, and arrive to ICPS to by December 8 to be counted in vote.
December 25 election results distributed in Dec. CPN
January 1 new officers installed in office (two-year term)
Send nominations with platform statements to
ICPS c/o Steve Baker Rt. 1, Box 540-19AB, Conover, NC 28613 U.S.A.